Vielight 810 and Neuro Intranasal and Transcranial Infrared LED Significantly Decreases Dementia Symptoms

Red light therapy brain dose

A 2017 study in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found improved dementia symptoms after 810 nm infrared transcranial and intranasal irradiation of five patients using Vielight 810 and Neuro LED devices. Patients received 10.65 J/cm2 from 14.2 mW/cm^2 or 24.6+13.8 J/cm^2 from 41+23 mW/cm^2. Treatment times for 25 or 20 minutes. The devices output 10 Hz pulsed wave. The study lasted 12 weeks.  Vielight 810 is an intranasal device. The Neuro is transcranial and intranasal. Light reached “bilateral mesial prefrontal cortex, precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex, angular gyrus, and hippocampus.” Results included dementia improvement of sleep, fewer angry outburts, reduced anxiety and reduced wandering.

Chronic TBI Infrared Laser Transcranial Treatment

Red light therapy brain dose

10 chronic TBI patients received 810 nm and 980 nm infrared laser treatment of 14.8 to 28.3 J/cm^2 2 to 3 times per week for 8 weeks. Treatments were pulsed at 10 Hz. Transcranial treatment spots included 2 sites on the forehead and 3 bilateral, prefrontal and temporal. At measurement they showed improved headaches, sleep disturbances, cognition, mood regulation,  anxiety and irritability.

Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, PTSD, Social Anxiety Transcranial LED Treatment

Red light therapy brain dose

11 chronic traumatic brain injury patients were treated with 633 nm and 870 nm infrared three times per week for six weeks. They received 13 J/cm^2 transcranially on 11 sites at midline and bilateral forehead. At 6 weeks they experience better sleep, decreased PTSD and improved social performance.

Traumatic Brain Injury Lesion Red Light Dose

Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Patients with Cranioencephalic Trauma 3x/week/6 weeks (18) 30 min session “Alteration in the cerebral blood flow as well as consequent increase of the cerebral oxygenation that helped to improve the cerebral function.” Traumatic Brain Injury Lesion Red Light Dose PBM stimulates the release of endorphins, inhibits … Read more