Near Infrared Transcranial Treatment Improves Some Disorder of Consciousness Patients

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Researchers compared “frontal near infrared laser stimulation (N-LT)” [photobiomodulation] with transcranial focused shock wave therapy (F-SWT) on patients with severe disorders of consciousness (DOC). Light therapy subjects received 10 minute infrared sessions of 0.1 mJ/mm2 five times per week for four weeks. A patient in the shock wave group suffered a focal seizure in week 3. Both groups had some members with significant improvements on the revised Coma Recovery Scale (r-CRS), but there were no significant differences between the groups.

Both Low and High Intensity Bright Light Treatment Reduce Epilepsy Correlated Anxiety and Depression

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Because depression and anxiety have “common psychiatric comorbidities in epilepsy,” researchers tested depression treatment with light on epileptic patients. 101 subjects had “medically intractable focal epilepsy.” Researchers treated 51 subjects with a high-intensity light box, and 50 subjects with a low-intensity light box. Each subject received one treatment per day. Only 58 subjects completed the trial. Depression and anxiety scores were significantly better for both groups. The study included no placebo controls.

Infrared Sinus Delivery the Most Efficient Choice to Stimulate the Brain

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Researchers tested 671 nm and 808 nm 1 mW/cm^2 laser photon delivery in a severed cadaver head. They compared sinus (transsphenoidal), oral, and head (transcranial) light delivery at both wavelengths. 808 delivered more energy than 671 to a 40 mm target inside the brain tissue. They found that sinus delivery delivered 20 times more photons than transcranial delivery. Comparing oral, sinus and head delivery, and comparing 671 nm to 808 nm delivered at the same power density, the 808 nm diode transferred the largest quantity of photons to the farthest parts of the brain.

Vielight Treatment Measurable Brain Improvements in N=1 Traumatic Brain Injury Patient

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One 23-year old traumatic brain injury patient complained of headaches, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. He home-treated with a Vielight Neuro Duo. At an 8 week measurement he had increased brain volume, improved functional connectivity, increased cerebral perfusion, and neuropsychological improvements.

Transcranial 850 nm Infrared Treatment of Vegatative Patient Yields Blood Flow and Neurological Improvement

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A researcher treated a vegatative patient with 850 nm infrared LED 20.5 J/cm^2 for 30 min, 2 times per day, for 73 days. The transcranial treatment included 2 sites at the left and right of the forehead above the eyebrows. At measurement the patient had increased blood flow in the treated area and better neurological outcomes..