Effects of EMFs on Depression
Scientific Study Summaries
Both Low and High Intensity Bright Light Treatment Reduce Epilepsy Correlated Anxiety and Depression
Because depression and anxiety have "common psychiatric comorbidities in epilepsy," researchers tested depression treatment with light on epileptic patients. 101 ...
Researchers Propose Bright Light Therapy for Epilepsy Symptom Care
Researchers define sunlight-epilepsy correlations and hypothesize that bright light therapy will help epilepsy patients ...
Significant Gulf War Illness (Chronic Multisymptom Illness) Improvements after 12 Weeks of Vielight Neuro Alpha Treatment
At 12 weeks using Vielight Neuro Alpha two Gulf War Veterans improved on multiple Gulf War Illness (or Chronic Multisymptom ...
Transcranial 1064 nm Infrared Treatment Improves Depression
51 patients with elevated depression symptoms received 1064 nm infrared transcranial laser treatments over two sessions. Researchers concluded that "right ...
Transcranial 808 nm High Dose Infrared Significantly Improves Major Depressive Disorder Rating Scores
4 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients received 808 nm infrared laser treatment at 84 J/cm^2 at 4 sites transcranially. At ...
810 nm Infrared Transcranial LED Treatment Corresponds with Decreased Depression Scores
Ten patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) received 810 nm LED treatment transcranially at 60 J/cm^2. Researchers measured decreased depression ...
Chronic TBI Infrared Laser Transcranial Treatment
10 chronic TBI patients received 810 nm and 980 nm infrared laser treatment of 14.8 to 28.3 J/cm^2 2 to ...
Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, PTSD, Social Anxiety Transcranial LED Treatment
11 chronic traumatic brain injury patients were treated with 633 nm and 870 nm infrared three times per week for ...
Red and Infrared LED Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression and PTSD Case Report
Two Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients who also had depression or post trauamtic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms received 633 ...
Laser Infrared on Palm Changes Brainwave Amplitude
In a 2012 study researchers irradiated 40 healthy volunteers with 830 nm infrared laser light with a dose of 7 ...
Traumatic Brain Injury Lesion Red Light Dose
Transcranial Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Patients with Cranioencephalic Trauma https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/photob.2019.4683 3x/week/6 weeks (18) 30 min session "Alteration ...
Depression/Suicidal Ideation Red Light Dose
810/980 nm, 8000-15000 mW, 540-720 s/area, bilateral forehead and temporal regions (4 sites), 55 to 81 J/cm^2 (to skin), 8 ...
Low Back Pain and Depression Red Light Dose
3 sessions, 850 nm, 660 nm, 100 mw, 3 j fluence, 12 posterior sites, 30 s/site with back pain treatment ...
Depression Symptom Relief Red Light Dose
823 nm, 36 mW/cm^2, 1200-1800 s, 43.2 J/cm^2 to 65.2 J/cm^2 applied to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, bilaterally, simultaneously, 2/week/8 weeks ...
Enhance Lithium Depression Treatment Red Light Dose
830 nm, 332 mW/cm^2,120 s, 40 J/cm^2, unknown targets, 8 treatments, unknown schedule, reduced anhedonia apathy, increased libido, decreased anxiety, ...
Traumatic Brain Injury Anxiety and Depression Red Light Dose
810 nm, 250 mW/cm^2, 240 s, 60 J/cm^2 per site, 2 sites, 1 treatment improved depression, anxiety, PTSD and substance ...
Depression and Alcoholism Red Light Therapy Dose
514 nm at 100 mW/cm^2 for 50 to 300 seconds, 5 pulses per second. 633 nm at 25 mW/cm^2 for ...