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Light Dose Database

Search for red light therapy studies on specific health conditions:

If energy is too low result is not produced

1 J/cm Red Light Does Not Release Fat (study summary)

In a 2004 Plastic Reconstructive Surgery study, researchers tested the effect of low level 635 nm red laser on abdominal ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

453 nm Blue Light LED Therapy Psoriasis Regimen

Background: Blue light irradiation reduces the proliferation of keratinocytes and modulates T-cell immune response in vitro and has been shown ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

453 nm Blue Light Treats Eczema

Prospective, Randomized Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Local UV-Free Blue Light Treatment of Eczema Kim Keemss , Stephanie C Pfaff, Matthias ...
Green light therapy fat loss dose

590 nm Light Effect on Lipid Droplets and Hormone-Sensitive Lipase

Sci Rep . 2016 Jun 27;6:28476. doi: 10.1038/srep28476. Amber Light (590 nm) Induces the Breakdown of Lipid Droplets through Autophagy-Related ...
Red light therapy brain dose

627 nm Transcranial Red Light Increases Cranial Artery Blood Velocity

In a 2015 study, 25 healthy elderly women received 627 nm transcranially at four sites, two times per week for ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

633 nm and 830 nm Psoriasis LED Therapy Regimen

Background and objectives: Psoriasis is one of the major problems facing dermatologists worldwide. Planar arrays of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have ...
Red light therapy brain dose

810 nm Infrared Transcranial LED Treatment Corresponds with Decreased Depression Scores

Ten patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) received 810 nm LED treatment transcranially at 60 J/cm^2. Researchers measured decreased depression ...
Red light therapy brain dose

850 nm Transcranial Infrared LED Improves Attentional Performance

39 healthy volunteers received 60 J/cm^2 of 850 nm infrared LED transcranially. They experienced improved attentional performance in the Go/No ...
Red light therapy brain dose

903 nm Transcranial Infrared LED Light Improves qEEG Reaction Time

In a 2017 study, 31 healthy volunteers received 903 nm LED LumiWave light transcranially. They experienced improved reaction time in ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Achieve Meditative Brainwaves Red Light Dose

830 nm, 7 mW, left and right forehead (2 sites), 240 s each, 1.68 J/cm^2/site helped substance abusers achieve meditative ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Blue and Red Light Dose

Blue and red light combination LED phototherapy for acne vulgaris in patients with skin phototype IV Background and objectives: Blue ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Handheld Device Blue and Red Dose

Handheld LED array device in the treatment of acne vulgaris Neil S Sadick 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 18459515 Abstract The ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Portable LED Red Light Dose

Background: Recently, a demand for safe and effective treatment of acne has been increasing. Although visible light has attracted attention ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Red but Not Infrared Light Therapy Dose

Background/purpose: Acne vulgaris is a very prevalent skin disorder and remains a main problem in practice. Recently, phototherapy with various light ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Reduction Green Light Dose

Green Light Treated Acne Reduced by 67% The researchers were looking for reduced acne, reduced redness, and reduced swelling compared ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Reduction with 415 nm Blue and 660 nm Light Therapy

Phototherapy with blue (415 nm) and red (660 nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris P Papageorgiou 1, A ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Treatment Using 415 nm and 633 nm LED Therapy

Combination blue (415 nm) and red (633 nm) LED phototherapy in the treatment of mild to severe acne vulgaris David ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Vulgaris Alternating Red and Blue Light Dose

Background and objective: Acne vulgaris remains a major problem in dermatological practice. Phototherapy for acne with blue (415 nm) and red ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Acne Vulgaris in Women Red Light Dose

Background: During the past few years, various phototherapeutic protocols with full-spectrum visible light or selected wavebands have been investigated in ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Acupuncture Weight Loss Red Light Dose

810 nm, 250 mW/cm^2, 300 s, 478 J/cm^2, at acupoints Cv8, St25, and Sp15 (3 points), 6x/week/4 weeks (24 treatments); ...
Red light therapy eye sight dose

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Red Light Dose Low-level laser therapy improves vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration Objective: The objective of this study of a ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Alzheimer’s Vielight 810 nm Red Light Dose

Vielight administered transcranial and intranasal 810 nm to Alzheimer's patients for 12 weeks. Tests at 6 and 12 weeks showed ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Androgenetic Alopecia Hair Growth Red Light Dose

650 nm laser, 630/660 nm LED, 92.15 mW/cm^2, 1,080 s, 47.9 J/cm^2 increased hair density and thickness. Increase hair density ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Arm Circumference Reduction Red Light Dose

Effect of 635nm Low-level Laser Therapy on Upper Arm Circumference Reduction 20 min. 635 nm 3x/week/2 weeks (6), 85 ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Beauty Angel Orange, Yellow, and Red Light Dose

ELT, medium pressure lamp type, partial body treatment area, semi-reclined, (611-650 nm, 7.1 mW/cm^2, ), (570-850 nm, 42.8 mW/cm^2), (611-650 ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Better Reaction Time in Concussion Patients Red Light Dose

903 nm, 16.67 mW/cm^2, 240 s/site, 20 J/cm^2, 1200 s, 5 sites simultaneously using a cap to the occipital, left ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Blue and Red Light Equal at Treating Psoriasis, Blue Better at Reducing Redness

Randomized Controlled Trial J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol . 2012 Feb;26(2):219-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2011.04039.x. Epub 2011 Mar 24. Efficacy of blue ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Blue Light, Red Light, and Topical Curcumin Treat Psoriasis PLoS One . 2015 Sep 18;10(9):e0138754. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138754. eCollection 2015. Red Light Combined with Blue Light Irradiation Regulates Proliferation ...
Red light therapy eye sight dose

Blue Sight Improvement in Aging Eyes Red Light Dose 670 nm, 40 mW/cm^2 7.2 J/cm^2 illuminate dominant eye every morning 3 minutes daily 2 weeks 22% improvement tritan ...
Red light therapy bone dose

Bone Fracture Healing Red Light Therapy Dose

830 nm, 60 mW/cm^2, 600 s, 9.7 J/cm^2, 5x/week/2 weeks decreased wrist fracture healing time . Decrease wrist fracture healing ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Both Low and High Intensity Bright Light Treatment Reduce Epilepsy Correlated Anxiety and Depression

Bright light therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression in focal epilepsy: randomised controlled trial Background: Bright light therapy is ...
Red light therapy pain decrease dose

Breast Augmentation Post Operative Pain Reduction Red Light Dose

Low-Level Laser Therapy Effectiveness for Reducing Pain after Breast Augmentation The purpose of this Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved, placebo-controlled, randomized, ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel Function and Pain Improvement Red Light Dose

904 nm, 150 mW, 50 J, 6 J/cm^2, 333 seconds, 10 sessions, 2 weeks break, 10 sessions, six month break, ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel Pain Reduction Red Light Therapy Dose

780 nm, 30 mW, wrist, 90 s, 3.4 J, 5x/week, 1/day, 2 weeks; followed by 10 treatments every other day ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel with Rheumatoid Arthritis Red Light Dose

780 nm, 50 mW/cm^2, 1.5 J/point, 30 s, 5 days/week for 2 weeks decreased pain and increased wrist functionality in ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel with Splint Red Light Dose

830 nm over 1 cm using 30 mW for 270 seconds, 8 J, 10 treatments over unknown period of time, ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel with Splinting Red Light Therapy Dose

904 nm, 2.4 mW, 0.216 J, 1 J/cm^2, 0.07 cm^2, 90 seconds, 10 treatments over 3 months combined with splinting ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Carpal Tunnel Wrist Splint and Red Light Therapy Dose

810 nm, 50 mW, wrist, 360 s, 18 J, 15 treatments over unknown period increased hand grip strength in carpal ...
Green light therapy fat loss dose

Cellulite Reduction Green Light Dose

Use green 532 nm diodes without massage or mechanical manipulation to improve the appearance of cellulite in thighs and buttocks ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Chinese Patient Acne Reduction Blue and Red Light Dose

ackground and Aims Acne vulgaris is common in A sian populations. We compared three methods of phototherapy for the treatment ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Chronic TBI Infrared Laser Transcranial Treatment

10 chronic TBI patients received 810 nm and 980 nm infrared laser treatment of 14.8 to 28.3 J/cm^2 2 to ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, PTSD, Social Anxiety Transcranial LED Treatment

11 chronic traumatic brain injury patients were treated with 633 nm and 870 nm infrared three times per week for ...
Green light therapy fat loss dose

Circumference Reduction in Hips, Thigh and Abdomen Green Light Dose

Use green light therapy to reduce hip, thigh and abdomen circumference. 15.21 cm mean circumference reduction 30 min Objective: To ...
Red light therapy bone dose

Closed Bone Fracture Red Light Dose

LLLT can relieve pain and improve the healing process of CBFs in the human wrist and hand. Reduce pain and ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Combining 590 nm Light with Minoxidil to Increase Hair Growth

Lasers Surg Med . 2021 May 11. doi: 10.1002/lsm.23398. Online ahead of print. Low-Level Light Therapy Downregulates Scalp Inflammatory Biomarkers ...
Red light therapy wound dose

Contact Dermatitis Resolution Red Light Dose

830 nm LED, 100 mW/cm^2, 10 minutes/session, three sessions, 60 J/c^2 continuous dose Resolve contact dermatitis outbreak ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Decrease Anxiety Red Light Therapy Dose

830 nm continuous wave, average irradiance 30 mW/cm^2, on forehead reduced anxiety symptoms ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Decrease Multiple Cerebral Palsy Symptoms Red Light Dose

830 nm, 60 mW/cm^2, 30 s/site, 900 s-1800 s total, 1.8 J/cm^2, myotonic face and neck sites, 1x/week/2 weeks, or ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Decrease Wrinkles, Increase Collagen 830 nm and 633 nm Comparison

A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, and split-face clinical study on LED phototherapy for skin rejuvenation: clinical, profilometric, histologic, ultrastructural, and ...
Red light exercise dose

Decreased Post Exercise Recovery Time Red Light Dose

Irradiation with LEDT (100 LEDs with wavelength 630 nm, spot size 2.5 , power density 0.048 , and energy density 57.6 ) was performed ...
Green Light Therapy wound healing dose

Dental Wound Healing Green Light Dose

532 nm 30 mW 30 and 600 s Green light at 5 J/cm^2 dose improves cell migration and therefore wound ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Depression and Alcoholism Red Light Therapy Dose

514 nm, 100 mW/cm^2, 50 s, 25.7 J (I Cal) 633 nm, 25 mW/cm^2, 300 s 7.5 J ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Depression Symptom Relief Red Light Dose

823 nm, 36 mW/cm^2, 1200-1800 s, 43.2 J/cm^2 to 65.2 J/cm^2 applied to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, bilaterally, simultaneously, 2/week/8 weeks ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Depression/Suicidal Ideation Red Light Dose

810/980 nm, 8000-15000 mW, 540-720 s/area, bilateral forehead and temporal regions (4 sites), 55 to 81 J/cm^2 (to skin), 8 ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Dissecting Cellulitis Reduction Red Light Dose

830 nm, 60 j/cm^2, dissecting cellulitis, scalp, 4 sessions/2 weeks, 20 min / session, 60 J/cm^2 reduced dissecting cellulitis inflammation ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Enhance Lithium Depression Treatment Red Light Dose

830 nm, 332 mW/cm^2,120 s, 40 J/cm^2, unknown targets, 8 treatments, unknown schedule, reduced anhedonia apathy, increased libido, decreased anxiety, ...
Red light therapy pain decrease dose

Epicondylitis (Chronic Tendinopathy, Tendonitis) Relief Red Light Dose

this study was cited in the "would you please give us all the parameters" article 10,000 mW, 6.6 J (+- ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

Expected Post Exercise Stress Markers Reduction Red and Infrared Dose

660 nm, 850 nm, 10 mW/cm^2, 30 mW/cm^2, 30 s/point, 10 points, 10.35 J, 1 treatment reduced post-exercise lactate and ...
Red light therapy bone dose

Facial Fracture Edema Red Light Dose The effect of light-emitting diode (590/830 nm)-based low-level laser therapy on posttraumatic edema of facial bone fracture patients. 1060 ...
Red light therapy wound dose

Faster Diabetic Wound Healing Red Light Dose

625/660/850 nm, 100 mW/cm^2, 24 s,  2.4 J/cm^2, 3x/week/8 weeks significant increase in blood flow, improved chronic wounds in disabetic ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Fat Contour and Melting Near and Medium Infrared Light Dose,than%20those%20of%20visible%20light.&text=IR%20wavelengths%20extend%20from%20the,1%20millimeter%20(300%20GHz). wiki near infrared 700-1400 nm mid infrared 1400-3000 nm Efficacy and safety of long pulse 1064 ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Fat Liquifaction 80% and 99% Red Light Doses

635 nm, 10 mW, 1.2 J/cm^2, 2.4 J/cm^2, 3.6 J/cm^2 for 0, 120, 240, 360 s changed adipose tissue from ...
EMFs treat osteoporosis

Five EM Frequencies Increase Osteoporsis Health (study summary)

Osteoporosis can include: reduced bone mass bone tissue micro-architectural degradation bone fragility higher fracture risk Current treatments include dietary changes ...
Healthy skin

Four Infrared Light Doses for Better Skin

Infrared and skin: Friend or foe Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Daniel Barolet, François Christiaensc, Michael R.Hamblin ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Four Successful Lichen Planopilaris Red Light Cases

"650 660" "We report here four patients with LPP who show a dramatic response to LLLT, including a reduction of ...
Red light therapy pain decrease dose

Frozen Shoulder Pain Reduction Red Light Dose

Decrease frozen shoulder pain. 810 nm, infer 100 mW/cm^2, derive 36 s dose, 3.6 J/cm^2, 14.4 J dose per session, ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Geriatric Degenerative Osteoarthritis Red Light Dose

450 s x 2 treatments per point x 2 points TREATMENT 1: 830 nm 1. 830 nm, 11 mW/cm^2 continuous, ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Hair Growth in Women Red Light Dose

655 nm, 255 mW, 1500 s, 2.9 J/cm^2 dose, 60 treatments significantly increased hair counts in women. 21 (5 mW) ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Hair Regrowth and Lichen Planopilaris Symptom Reduction

"All patients responded with a global reduction of symptoms, erythema and perifollicular hyperkeratosis (Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b), with a mean ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Helmet LED Treatment Grows Hair

Researchers treated balding men and women aged 19 to 65 years old with 655 nm red light therapy (LLLT: low ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Herpes Simplex Red Light Dose

670 nm, 40 mW, 40 s, 1.6/4.8 J, 2.04 J/cm^2, 0.79 J/cm^2, 1 treatment, on blisters and vertebrae reduced outbreak ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Herpes Symptom Reduction Red Light Dose

780 nm, 60 mW, 3 J/cm^2 (50 s) or 4.5 J/cm^2 (75 s), 2x/week/10 weeks (20) reduced herpes pain and ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Herpes Treatment Red Light Dose

660 nm, 100 mW, 8 s, 12 points/5 sessions (60 applications) per point , 30 J/cm^2 encouraged herpes remission for ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Herpes Zoster Pain Remission Red Light Dose

post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), 904 nm, 4000 Hz, 10 diodes, total 6 mW, 20 minutes, approx 7 joules per treatment, 5 ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Hunger Hormone Blue, Green, and Red Light Dose

chronic sleep deprivation reduces leptin, increases ghrelin less leptin = more hunger more ghrelin = more hunger 8 hours sleep ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Improve Coma Patient Alertness after 785 nm Transcranial Laser Treatments

16 comatose patients received 785 transcranial 785 nm infrared laser treatments five timers a week for four weeks. Post treatment ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Improve Microcirculation Red Light Dose

60 x 890 nm LEDS, led power 12 mW, 60 mW/cm^2, 2 treatment sites, 1800 s (900/foot), 108 J total ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Improve Muscle and Pain in Spastic Muscle Stroke Limbs Red Light Dose

808 nm, 100 mW, ? mw/cm2, ? J, 127.39 J/cm^2, a="0.0314 cm2", 40 s 808 nm, stroke muscle spacicity Increased ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Improved Brain Oxygenation Red Light Dose

1064 nm, 250 mW, 600 s, 150 J/cm^2 improved brain oxygen supply. Improve brain oxygen supply ...
Red light therapy wound dose

Improved Microcirculation Wound Healing, Reduced Pain Red Light Dose

780 nm, 100 mW/cm^2, 5 J/cm^2, 50 s, sole of foot, 1 site, 1 treatment reduced pain and increased blood ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Increase Brain Blood Flow in Vegetative Patient Red Light Dose

830 nm, 11.4 mW/cm^2, 1800 s, 2/day/73 days (146) improved blood flow and correlated with patient regaining cognition. 850 nm ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Increase Collagen Red Light Dose

The LED technique involved the application of a 660-nm wavelength delivered in a sequential pulsing mode at a power density ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Increase Hair Coverage with 660 nm Red LED Light

Efficacy and Safety of a Low-Level Light Therapy for Androgenetic Alopecia: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Self-Comparison, Sham Device-Controlled Trial. 650 ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Increase Lymphatic Activity Blue, Red, and Infrared Light Dose

420 nm, 7.4 J/area Edge Systems (Signal Hill, CA) Delphia del Sol 420 600–700 700–1000 7.4 J per treatment area ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Increased Blood Flow in Meningomyelocele Red Light Dose

60 mW, 680 nm, 0.5 J/cm^2, 8.3 s, 1 treatment, increased skin blood flow. J = (mW x s) / ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Increased Brain Blood Flow Red Light Dose

627 nm, 70 mW/cm^2, 10 J/cm^2, four points of the frontal and parietal region for 30 s each (120 s), ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Increased Nitric Oxide and Blood Flow Red Light Dose

890 nm, 636 mW for one, five, or fifteen minutes 890 nm, 636 mW/cm^2, 60 s, 300s, 900 s, increased ...
red light therapy for hair growth dose

Infrared Plus Minoxidil Superior to Minoxidil Alone at Growing Hair

The effectiveness of adding low-level light therapy to minoxidil 5% solution in the treatment of patients with androgenetic alopecia 785 ...
Red light exercise dose

Infrared Reduced Muscle Soreness, Decreases Recovery Time

Researchers gave subjects 850 nm LED treatment on the quadriceps after leg press and leg extension strength training. The subjects ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Infrared Sinus Delivery the Most Efficient Choice to Stimulate the Brain

Researchers tested 671 nm and 808 nm 1 mW/cm^2 laser photon delivery in a severed cadaver head. They compared sinus ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Infrared Transcranial Treatment Improves Vigilance, Memory and Mood Scores

In a 2013 study researchers irradiated 40 healthy volunteers with 60 J/cm^2 1064 nm continuous laser light for 4 minutes ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Invasive Femoral Artery Laser Fiber Optic Irradiation Improves Alzheimer’s Symptoms

89 Alzheimer's patients received a range of wavelengths in the visible spectrum (25-1000 nm) for 20 to 40 minutes, with ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Keto Diet and Alzheimer’s Red Light Dose

increased hyptohalmic and peripheral insulin sensitivity, lowered HgA1c; normalization of blood lipid panel; improved memory including HOMA-IR decreasing from 4.67 ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Knee Arthritis Pain and Inflammation Reduction Red Light Dose

808 nm, 100 mw, 7 points each side, 56J total, placebo, exercise + pbm, pbm, exercise placebo. pbm+exercise = pain ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Knee Osteoarthritis Pain Reduction Red Light Dose

905, 875, 640 nm, 3 points on the knee, 7.85 J per point, 23.55 J per session, 2 sessions/week for ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Korean Acne Reduction Using Home Red and Blue Light Dose

Background Blue and red light have been reported to have beneficial effects on acne. However, there has been no double‐blind, ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Laser Infrared on Palm Changes Brainwave Amplitude

Wu et al. 2012 [] Healthy volunteers (40) Laser, 6 diodes, Advanced Chips & Products Corp. (Hillside, NJ, USA) 830 ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Liposuction Fat Emulsification Red Light Dose The purpose of this IRB approved, multicenter, partially double-blind study was to determine the effectiveness of low-level laser-assisted liposuction ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Low Back Pain and Depression Red Light Dose

3 sessions, 850 nm, 660 nm, 100 mw, 3 j fluence, 12 posterior sites, 30 s/site with back pain treatment ...
Red light exercise dose

Lower Exercise Stress Response Red Light Dose

17 sites, 2 legs, 50 J/site, 100 mW, 810 nm, 500s per decreased post-exercise stress on 10 data points increased ...
Red light therapy bone dose

Male Osteopenia Red Light Dose

Efficacy of High Intensity Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Male With Osteopenia or Osteoporosis: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial ...
Green Light Therapy wound healing dose

Mouth Ulcer (Wound) Treatment Green Light Dose Researchers treated 30 canker sore patients with 1 session of green light therapy. They broke the session into four ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Narrow Band Ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) Psoriasis Treatment (Not a Home Treatment)

Ultraviolet B Phototherapy for Psoriasis: Review of Practical Guidelines Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects approximately 2 % ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Near Infrared Transcranial Treatment Improves Some Disorder of Consciousness Patients

Non-invasive brain stimulation to promote alertness and awareness in chronic patients with disorders of consciousness: Low-level, near-infrared laser stimulation vs ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Non-UV 420 nm and 453 nm Blue Light Psoriasis Regimen

Background: Blue light has no known toxic effects on human skin, but reduces the proliferative capacity of keratinocytes in vitro ...
EMF Therapy muscle red light dose

One 630 nm Treatment Reduces Muscle Soreness and Reduces Recovery Weakness

Light-emitting diode phototherapy improves muscle recovery after a damaging exercise Researchers gave 17 male subjects 630 nm (red) LED ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Osteoarthritis Neck Pain Reduction Infrared Light Dose

700-900 nm, 50 mW/cm^2, 15 s, 0.9 J/cm^2, 1 point, 12 sessions resulted in reduced OA neck pain. Reduce neck ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Pain Reduction of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Red Light Dose

650 nm, 120 mW/cm^2, 30 s, 2x/week/8 weeks (16), 3.6 J/cm^2 brought pain score to zero from a range of ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Pain, Flexion, Circumference Knee Osteoarthritis Red Light Dose

830 nm, 10,000 mW/cm^2, 1200 J/cm^2, 120 s, 8 sessions improved pain, flexion, pressure sensitivity, and circumference. Improve knee osteoarthritis ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Painful Knee Osteoarthritis Infrared Light Dose

900-1000 nm, 10 mW/cm^2, 300 s, 3 J/cm^2, 2; 900-1000 nm, 11.2 mW/cm^2, 180 s, 2J/cm^2; knee point targets, reduced ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Parksinson’s Mobility, Balance and Cognition Improvements with Brain Photobiomodulation

Vielight Gamma 4 LEDs, 240 joules, four transcranial targets Vielight Gamma 1 LED, 15 joules, one intranasal target Irradia MID ...
Skin burned

PEMF Superior to EMF Healing 2nd Degree Burns (study summary)

PEMF is already known to stimulate: IGF (insulin-like growth factor) [healing/harming hormone depending on context] TGF-β (transforming growth factor-beta) [partial ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Physician’s Office Psoralen UVA and UVB for Psoriasis

Psoralen-ultraviolet A treatment with Psoralen-ultraviolet B therapy in the treatment of psoriasis Researchers treated 25 psoriasis patients with psoralen ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Possible Cholesterol and Triglyceride Reduction Red Light Dose

Reduction in Cholesterol and Triglyceride Serum Levels Following Low-Level Laser Irradiation: A Noncontrolled, Nonrandomized Pilot Study Cholesterol Publication[1]1 Materials and ...
Red light exercise dose

Pre-Exercise Bicep Recovery Red Light Dose Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in the Development of Exercise-Induced Skeletal Muscle Fatigue and Changes in Biochemical Markers ...
Arthritis red light therapy dose

Prevent Arthritis Joint Degeneration Red Light Dose

808 nm, 50 mW, 42 J, 71.2 J/cm^2, spot size 0.28, combined with stem cell injection, target at knee, prevented ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Prevent Herpes Recurrence Red Light Dose

690 nm, 80 mw/cm^2, 48 J/cm2, recurrent perioral herpes simplex infection, at least 1/month for 6 mo+, laser group daily ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Red and Infrared LED Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression and PTSD Case Report

Two Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients who also had depression or post trauamtic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms  received 633 ...
Blue light therapy suppresses ghrelin hunger hormone

Red Light at 14 mV for Six to 12 Minutes Releases Fat (study summary)

In a 2002 Aesthetic Surgery Journal study, surgeons treated fat during liposuction procedures. They used 635 nm red light at ...
Red light eye goggles

Red Light During Sleep Reduces Sleepiness, But Not Melatonin (study summary)

Effects of red light on sleep inertia Nature and Science of Sleep 2019 In a 2019 Nature and Science ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Red Light Halts Brain Memory Tissue Damage

A 2019 study in Scientific Reports showed that 660 nm photobiomodulation reduces oxidative stress and induces BDNF expression in the ...
Red light rhinophototherapy

Red Light Improves Nasal Symptoms (study summary)

660 nm wavelength (red) light has shown an ability to treat allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and nasal obstruction reduction. It ...
Sensitive skin

Red Light Strengthens Skin Barrier (study summary)

A 2019 study tested whether light therapy could support skin barrier recovery. The epidermal barrier protects the underlying skin. When ...
Study red light sleep dose

Red Light Through Eyelids Reduces Sleepiness Dose

615/635 nm, pulsed, 35 mW/cm^2, 20 s, 0.7 J/cm^2 reduce dmorning sleepiness known as "sleep inertia" without reducing melatonin at ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Reduce Autism Irritability Red Light Dose

635 nm, 15 mW/cm^2, 300 s, 8x over 4 weeks, 2 points (skull base, temporal areas), 45 J correlated with ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Reduce Cognitive Decline Biomarkers Red Light Dose

1064 nm, 250 mW/cm^2, 480 s, 60 J/cm^2, 240 s per site, 2 sites, 1/week/5 weeks: Improve memory and increase ...
Red light therapy virus dose: herpes, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia

Reduce Herpes Zoster Pain Red Light Dose

633 nm, 50 mW, 2 J/cm^2, 300 second treatments, 3 treatments/week for 1 week reduced post-herpetic neuralgia pain Reduce shingles ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Reduced Facial Contact Dermatitis Red Light Dose

830 nm, 50 mW, face, 1,200 s, 60 J/cm^2, 3 sessions per 10 days reduced facial contact dermatitis I calc'd ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Reduced Hypertension Red Light Dose

830 nm, 60 mW/cm^2, 120 s, 7.2 J, 4-12 treatments, target center of the back and upper neck just below ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Reduced Rosacea Red Light Dose

830 nm, 1/week for 6 weeks, 20 m, 60 J/cm^2/session, eliminated small acneiform papules, decreased redness Elimnate rosacea small acneiform ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Researchers Propose Bright Light Therapy for Epilepsy Symptom Care

Light therapy as a treatment for epilepsy Authors propose four paradigms supporting use of light therapy for epilepsy. Sunlight promotes ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Reverse Cognitive Decline Red Light Dose

2x/day Week 1: 635 nm and 810 nm combined, continuous wave, transcranial helmet, and body pad on lower back, simultaneous ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Severe Brain Damage Transcranial Laser Brings Improvement, Epileptic Fits

Five traumatic brain injury patients with cognitive disabilities received transcranial 785 nm infrared laser 5 times per week for 6 ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Significant Gulf War Illness (Chronic Multisymptom Illness) Improvements after 12 Weeks of Vielight Neuro Alpha Treatment

Improvements in Gulf War Illness Symptoms After Near-Infrared Transcranial and Intranasal Photobiomodulation: Two Case Reports Chao 2019 MilMed Researchers tested ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Strengthen Skin Wound Barrier Red Light Dose

> 600 nm, 40 mW/cm^2, 3600 S, 24 J/cm^2, porcine skin promoted recovery of wound epidermal barrier ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Stroke Defecit Recovery Red Light Dose

22 points treated with 660/850 nm over 3600 s with 1400 mw/cm^2, 1/week/8 weeks, 0.196 J/cm^2, N=1 significant "remarkable" stroke ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Stroke Improvement on N=1 Patient Receiving 660 nm Red and 850 nm Infrared Therapy

A stroke victim received 660 nm and 850 nm irradiation to 32 sites on the head, brainstem, spine and musculature ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Teenage Acne Reduction Blue and Red Light Dose

number of comedones, papules and pustules decreased significantly at the end of the session. red and blue combined were better ...
Red light therapy bone dose

Tendonitis in Athletes Red Light Dose

830 nm, 0.05 mW/cm^2, 60 J/cm^2, 1200 s ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Therapy Results Similar to Aerobic Exercise Red Light Dose

1064 nm, 250 mW/cm^2, 240 s per site, 2 forehead sites, 60 J/cm^2 attained psychomotor vigilance task and working memory ...
Green light therapy fat and weight doses

Thigh Fat Reduction Red Light Dose

Reduce thigh fat and circumference. Simultaneous 650 nm/915 nm, massage, applied to thighs, unknown treatment time, unknown energy density, 14 ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Thyroid Safety Using LED Therapy on Neck

Its penetration depth for inducing a therapeutic effect on tissues depends on its wavelength, which varies between 400 and 470 ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

TMJ Improved Movement and Pain Infrared Light Dose

700-900 nm, 40 mW, 80 j/cm^2, 16 s, 4 points, 1 session, improved TMJ movement and pain. Decrease TMJ pain ...
Science study red light therapy motor function

TMJ Pain, Chewing Improvements Infrared Light Dose

700-900 nm, 43.21 mW/cm^2, 162 s, 7 J/cm^2, 4 sessions improved TMJ mouth opening, pain, chewing difficuty, tender points Improve ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Total Cholesterol Reduction Red Light Dose

650 nm, 8.38 mW/cm^2 intranasal application 650 nm, 8.38 mW/cm^2, coronary heart disease or cerebral infarction, 30 min, 1/day/ten days ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial 1064 nm Infrared Treatment Improves Depression

51 patients with elevated depression symptoms received 1064 nm infrared transcranial laser treatments over two sessions. Researchers concluded that "right ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial 808 nm High Dose Infrared Significantly Improves Major Depressive Disorder Rating Scores

4 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients received 808 nm infrared laser treatment at 84 J/cm^2 at 4 sites transcranially. At ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial 808 nm Infrared Laser Treatment Improves Stroke Outcomes Not Repeatable

120 acute stroke patients received 808 nm transcranial laser within 24 hours of onset. Each received 1.2 J/cm^2 at the ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial 850 nm Infrared Treatment of Vegatative Patient Yields Blood Flow and Neurological Improvement

A researcher treated a vegatative patient with 850 nm infrared LED 20.5 J/cm^2 for 30 min, 2 times per day, ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial Infrared Improves Executive Function Scores

Blanco et al. 2015 [] Healthy volunteers (30) Laser, Cell Gen Therapeutics, LLC (Dallas, TX, USA) 1064 nm 250 mW/cm2, ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial Infrared Increased Brain Blood Oxygenation

In a 2016 study 12 healthy volunteers were irradiated with a 1064 nnm laser light dose of 13.75 J/cm^2 per ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Transcranial Infrared Treatment Improves Pre-Frontal Rule Based Learning

Blanco et al. 2017 [] Healthy volunteers (118) Laser, CG-5000, Cell Gen Therapeutics, LLC (Dallas, TX, USA) 1064 nm 250 ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Traumatic Brain Injury Anxiety and Depression Red Light Dose

810 nm, 10 treatments over 2 months, 13.2 W/0.89 cm^2 or 810 nm and 980 nm, 9W/0.89 cm^2  symptoms of ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Traumatic Brain Injury Lesion Red Light Dose

Transcranial Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Patients with Cranioencephalic Trauma 3x/week/6 weeks (18) 30 min session "Alteration ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Traumatic Brain Injury Red Light Dose

Improve cognition and memory in chronic TBI patients using 61 diodes: 9x633 nm, 52 x 870 nm; 12-15 mW/diode; 500 ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Treating Acne and Rosacea with Chromophore Gel with Broadband Light

Photodynamic Light Therapy When applied with a topical substance, light therapy becomes photodynamic therapy (PDT). Kleresca is a photodynamic therapy ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Treating Acne with Alternating Red Light Therapy with Blue Light Therapy

A Comparative Study Between Once-Weekly and Alternating Twice-Weekly Regimen Using Blue (470 nm) and Red (640 nm) Light Combination LED ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Vielight 810 and Neuro Intranasal and Transcranial Infrared LED Significantly Decreases Dementia Symptoms

A 2017 study in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found improved dementia symptoms after 810 nm infrared transcranial and intranasal irradiation ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Vielight Treatment Measurable Brain Improvements in N=1 Traumatic Brain Injury Patient

One 23-year old traumatic brain injury patient complained of headaches, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. He home-treated with a Vielight Neuro ...
Red Light Therapy circulation dose

Waist Reduction Body Contour Red Light Dose

635-680 nm, 30m/2x week/4 weeks (8) 40 men and women 18-65 BMI < 30 kg/m^2 1/2 laser, 1/2 control 30 ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

White (411-777) and Red (660 nm) Reduction of Wrinkles Over 12 Weeks

The Efficacy and Safety of 660 nm and 411 to 777 nm Light-Emitting Devices for Treating Wrinkles Background: Low-level light therapy ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Whole Head Infrared LED Treatment Significantly Improves Dementia Measurements

11 dementia patients received 1060 nm to 1080 nm infrared pulsed at 10 Hz LED treatment for 6 minutes a ...
Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Yellow and Infrared Low Level Light to Prevent Thyroidectomy Scar Formation

Prevention of Thyroidectomy Scars in Asian Adults With Low-Level Light Therapy Young Joon Park 1, Sang Jin Kim, Hyo Sang ...
Red light therapy eye sight dose

Yellow, Red and Infrared Improves Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Photobiomodulation reduces drusen volume and improves visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in dry age-related macular degeneration Graham F Merry 1, ...

Search the Photobiomodulation Database for studies on health conditions:

This is the EMF Channel database of light therapy study doses. After getting the results, click to view more study details. Only successful studies are included. 99% of the studies here are on humans, not animals. This database is a work in progress. Many thanks to Vlad for his PBM database. When the data here references his work, the detail page includes a link to the PBM spreadsheet.

About the EMF Channel Light Dose Database

Many people purchase red light therapy or neuromuscular electrical stimulation devices without knowing optimal doses for the results they want to see. The right dose is especially key to light therapies, which have optimal windows of wavelength and energy delivered. Treatment doses outside of those windows will nullify results or harm the user. I took the results from successful EMF studies when these studies included:

  • Photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy, Blue Light Therapy, Low Level Light Therapy)
  • Transcutaneous Electromagnetic Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

Many studies do not report exact dose parameters they used. They are therefore not included here, even the study reported a therapeutic result.

Table: Light Dose Parameters






Milliwatts (mW) or Watts (W)

Total Dose Energy

joules (J) = power x time = Watts x seconds


Nanometers (nm)


Hertz (Hz)

Spot Size

Squared Centimeters (cm^2)

Duty Cycle

Percentage of time light source is on per cycle

Power Density

Watts per centimeters squared (W/cm(2) = power / probe size


Joules per Centimeters Squared (J/cm^2) = total energy delivered by the probe size

Source: Turchin, Curtis. Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical Procedures 6th Edition (p. 16)