Red light therapy brain dose

Both Low and High Intensity Bright Light Treatment Reduce Epilepsy Correlated Anxiety and Depression

Bright light therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression in focal epilepsy: randomised controlled trial Background: Bright light therapy is ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Significant Gulf War Illness (Chronic Multisymptom Illness) Improvements after 12 Weeks of Vielight Neuro Alpha Treatment

Improvements in Gulf War Illness Symptoms After Near-Infrared Transcranial and Intranasal Photobiomodulation: Two Case Reports Chao 2019 MilMed Researchers tested ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Vielight Treatment Measurable Brain Improvements in N=1 Traumatic Brain Injury Patient

One 23-year old traumatic brain injury patient complained of headaches, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. He home-treated with a Vielight Neuro ...
Red light therapy brain dose

810 nm Infrared Transcranial LED Treatment Corresponds with Decreased Depression Scores

Ten patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) received 810 nm LED treatment transcranially at 60 J/cm^2. Researchers measured decreased depression ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Vielight 810 and Neuro Intranasal and Transcranial Infrared LED Significantly Decreases Dementia Symptoms

A 2017 study in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found improved dementia symptoms after 810 nm infrared transcranial and intranasal irradiation ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Chronic TBI Infrared Laser Transcranial Treatment

10 chronic TBI patients received 810 nm and 980 nm infrared laser treatment of 14.8 to 28.3 J/cm^2 2 to ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, PTSD, Social Anxiety Transcranial LED Treatment

11 chronic traumatic brain injury patients were treated with 633 nm and 870 nm infrared three times per week for ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Enhance Lithium Depression Treatment Red Light Dose

830 nm, 332 mW/cm^2,120 s, 40 J/cm^2, unknown targets, 8 treatments, unknown schedule, reduced anhedonia apathy, increased libido, decreased anxiety, ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Traumatic Brain Injury Anxiety and Depression Red Light Dose

810 nm, 10 treatments over 2 months, 13.2 W/0.89 cm^2 or 810 nm and 980 nm, 9W/0.89 cm^2  symptoms of ...
Red light therapy brain dose

Decrease Anxiety Red Light Therapy Dose

830 nm continuous wave, average irradiance 30 mW/cm^2, on forehead reduced anxiety symptoms ...