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About EMF Channel

EMF Channel investigates electromagnetic fields (EMFs), the waves or photons that give us radio, visible light, microwaves, cell phone communication, light therapy, and the sun’s ultraviolet rays, to name just a few.

EMFs are both healthy and harmful, depending on the light wave, energy and resonant frequency involved. Light therapy heals the body at the mitochondrial level, while x-rays tear apart our DNA at the atomic level. EMF Channel catlaogues both the therapeutic EMFs we want, as well as the harmful EMFs from which we might need protection.

EMFs are healthy and dangerous, depending on the wavelengths

About EMF Channel

EMF Channel investigates electromagnetic fields (EMFs), the waves or photons that give us radio, visible light, microwaves, cell phone communication, ...
Contact EMF Channel

Contact EMF Channel

Call EMF Channel: ‪(978) 300-2415‬ Photo by Ruca Souza from Pexels ...
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Updated This page was last updated: August 4, 2020 Who we are Our website address is: EMF Channel is ...
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This site is owned and operated by Bogart Computing LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in New Hampshire, USA. Bogart ...
About Caroline Bogart

About Caroline Bogart

Hello. My name is Caroline Bogart. I am a programmer, writer, and web developer. I build free websites for animal ...