Matus Durdik,corresponding author Pavol Kosik, Eva Markova, Alexandra Somsedikova, Beata Gajdosechova, Ekaterina Nikitina, Eva Horvathova, Katarina Kozics, Devra Davis, and Igor Belyaev
EMF exposure is associated with childhood leukemia. This study tests the effects of pulsed microwaves on three human cell types. It used the microwave frequency used in GSM phone service.
stems cells exposed to GSM frequency experience
- DNA damage
- apoptosis [cell death]
- ROS (reactive oxidative stress) [oxidants]
- these reactions are consistent with childhood leukemia formation
Obtain umbilical cord cells. Expose them to GSM frequency of 1947.4 MHz. Test for DNA damage, apoptosis, ROS and PFG (preleukemic fusion genes) induction.
- ROS found
- DNA damage not found
- apoptosis not found
Mobile phone microwaves create conditions favorable to childhood leukemia gene expression.
This study found mobile phone use correlated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) (oxidation), but not DNA damage or cell death.
Many are under the false impression that non-ionizing radiation has only a thermal effect on human tissue.
Previous studies show that non-ionizing radiation damages tissue without heating it.
GSM phones emit non-ionizing radiation. Exposure to a GSM frequency of 900 MHz causes oxidative stress.
Free radicals are pre-cursors to inflammation and disease.
GSM frequency phones can cause pre-inflammation and pre-cancerous conditions.