Acne Reduction with 415 nm Blue and 660 nm Light Therapy

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Subjects received a monochromatic 415 nm blue treatment, or a polychromatic 415 nm and 660 nm treatment. Groups 3 and 4 received cool white light and 5% benzyl peroxide. Patients treated themselves 1x/day for 15 minutes for 12 weeks. At weeks 4 and 8, the red and red-blue groups achieved similar lesion reductions. At week 12, the blue-red group had significantly better results than blue alone. The blue-red group had a 76% inflammatory lesion reduction, significantly higher than the blue light, white light, and benzyl peroxide treatment.

Acne Treatment Using 415 nm and 633 nm LED Therapy

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

24 mild to severe acne patients with Fitzpatrick skin types II-V received 415 nm blue at one session alternating with 633 nm red at the next. Schedule was 2x/week, 3 days apart, 20 min. per session, 48 J/cm^2 415 nm or 96 J/cm^2 633 nm. All subjects had mild microabrasions before treatment. Both groups saw a 46% lesion count reduction at 4 weeks, and an 81% lesion count reduction at 12 weeks.

Treating Acne and Rosacea with Chromophore Gel with Broadband Light

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

This study looked at the Kleresca chromophore gel’s light absorption properties.
Researchers tested gel penetration of fluorescent light energy (FLE) of 375 nm, 405 nm, 435 nm, 450 nm, 470 nm, 505 nm, 525 nm, 570 nm, 590 nm, 630 nm, 645 nm, 660 nm, 700 nm, 850 nm, 870 nm, 890 nm, 940 nm and 970 nm.

Treating Acne with Alternating Red Light Therapy with Blue Light Therapy

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Both groups had moderate to severe acne. All subjects received 470 nm blue and 640 nm red light therapy treatments. Group 1 received treatment two times per week for four weeks. At the first weekly session, they received one color treatment. At the second weekly session they received the other color treatment. Group 2 received treatment one time per week. At this session, they first received one color, then they received the second color. Group 1 treatment was spread across two days. Group 2 treatment was delivered in one day. Both groups had significant lesion count reduction, and were not significantly different from one another. Both regimens had significant results.

Yellow and Infrared Low Level Light to Prevent Thyroidectomy Scar Formation

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Researchers treated 35 thyroidectomy patients with a combination of 830 nm and 590 nm LED light. Patients received 60 J/cm over a period of 11 minutes for 7 days, starting on the day of surgery. After the first week, they received treatment 3x/week for 3 more weeks. At 3 months, scars on treated patients were lighter and had less color compared to controls. Self-assessment of scar was not significantly different between treated and control groups.

Decrease Wrinkles, Increase Collagen 830 nm and 633 nm Comparison

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

76 patients received split face LED treatment with 830 nm, 633 nm, or a combination of 830 nm and 633 nm. The control group received a sham treatment. Patients received therapy twice a week for four weeks. Measuring skin elasticity and melanin revealed wrinkle reduction as high as 36% and up to 19% skin elacity increase. Researchers concluded that 830 and 633nm alone and in combination are effective wrinkle reducing wavelengths.

White (411-777) and Red (660 nm) Reduction of Wrinkles Over 12 Weeks

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Researchers treated subjects with LED therapy the specific wavelength 660 nm (red for group 1) and a range of wavelengths from 411 to 777 nm (white for group 2). 52 women received 5.17 J daily for 12 weeks. Wrinkles significantly improved (reduced). Group 1 had slightly better results, but the differences were not significant. 

633 nm and 830 nm Psoriasis LED Therapy Regimen

Science study Red light therapy skin dose

Nine psoriasis patients used 633 nm red and 830 nm infrared LED therapy on recalcitrant psoriasis. The majority had failed earlier treatments.
Seven patients show 60% to 100% clearance of psoriasis symptoms when measured from three to 8 months after treatment. Two of the subjects could not be located.